Sunday, 30 October 2016

AFC Wimbledon

Sunday October 30th 2016

Today we attended a football match between afc wimbledon and bradford city. These soccer teams are in league 1. That is the division below premier.  The game began at 3pm so it was decided we would leave early and grab some lunch when we arrrived. The journey was supposed to take 1hour 20minutes.  However there was maintenance on the subway stations so we had to reroute.

When we finally I arrived there was just enough time for a late lunch. We had eggs on toast and the largest orange juices ever.

Then we went to the game. Turns out they have allowed standing sections at pitches again.  They were outlawed after a bunch of people died. You see standing sections have a bar or fence that you aren't allowed past and before that shallow steps for standing. When things got exciting, fans would surge forward. This caused the people at the front to be crushed and forfeit their lives. We got to stand in such a section. We stood at the back were I could not see. luckily there was a bar along the back wall that I sat on. But the seat was too narrow to sit and not fall off, so Alex stood in front of me to hold me in place. One of the most uncomfortable sporting events I have been too, but I didn't mind all that much. 

Bradford city scored 1st then afc wimbledon scored. Then wimbledon scored a penalty kick, but so did bradford. 2-2, as the time winds down bradford scores a third time. 4 minutes of stoppage time added. Wimbledon has an opportunity.  The ball bounces across multiple head inside the box, alas the ball goes wide. Wimbledon are defeated. Oh well.

We travelled back to London got some dinner and went the the most expensive movie. We saw Dr. Strange in 3D and ate candy. It was a good end to the day.

Thursday, 27 October 2016


Thursday October 27th 2016

There was no plan for today. Just go into town and see what is there. First place we stopped was the Welsh national library. We learned about a landslide that killed 116 children, played battleships and I made a stop motion video.

Then we had lunch at the castle ruins. You can just be in the ruins anytime you want. They are part of a park along the sea.

Next we went down off the promenade since it was low tide and played with all the flat stones.

Then we entered the old collage building, which used to be a part of the university but is now mostly empty but you can still be in there. People here nicknamed the collage building Hogwarts and with the large stone staircases, halls and library I can see why. I found a heating pipe in the languages classroom. So I lay on it while reading my book.

On the way back to our airbnb we walked through the new campus. It is all on a hill so it was tricky to get a good feel for the place.

Copper mine

Wednesday October 26th 2016

We visited a copper mine called the Great Orme Mines. It is a copper mine made during the bronze age. Until the discovery of this mine it was thought that metal working Britain was introduced around the time of Roman occupation. The people were mining for a green mineral called malachite. The mine began as a pit mine. Miners then followed the ore veins underground. We got to explore these winding tunnels. It is thought that only 5% of the tunnels have been mapped. Researches have uncovered 8km of tunnels so far. It was fun, but the best part was the blue hard hat I got to wear.

The rest of the day was spent driving south to our next city Aberystwyth.


Aggressive Chicken

Tuesday October 25th 2016

Disappointing visit to Conwy water gardens. We went to try the dutch pancake house that resides there. But it opened at a different time than the gardens, not posted on the website. So we had an hour to kill at the gardens. The pamphlet at our airbnb described the water gardens as a aquarium type thing. It wasn't. You could buy fishes from tanks and plants. Fortunately we didn't have to pretend to interested in fish for 1 hour because they also had a nature walk that boasted animals. We saw a capybara and a pheasant. Also otters that refused to stay still for photographs. Then our path was blocked by a chicken. I managed to walk past the chicken, but as soon as I passed it growled/barked at Alex.

Once the pancake house opened we ate. It wasn't exceptional, just good. Next we drove to Plas Newydd on the island of Anglesey.  It has a fancy house with a big painting. The grounds and gardens were nice to walk through.  This day there was some people demonstrating wood working techniques. I drew pictures of the machines for later reference.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Conwy Castle

Monday October 24th 2016

First off look at the key for our airbnb. So cool.

Conwy is a city enclosed by castle walls. It has sprawled a bit outside the walls, but we only saw the inside. The castle was huge and surprisingly took only 4 years to build. It had the most wonderful towers that one could climb. Also you could walk around the city walls.

The castle took a fair amount of the day, but we did stop in at the smallest house in Great Britain. There were townhouses being built along the harbour starting at either end. When they got to the middle there was just a small space between houses. So someone put up a front wall and roof. Tada. Tiny house. It was built 300 years ago and has been in the same family for 250 years.

On the way home I found that all the bushes lining the road had black berries. They aren't as big as the ones in B.C. They tasted about the same, maybe better because I wasn't expecting them.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

I was right

Sunday October 23rd 2016

Today sucked. And it didn't even rain, yet.

For starters I tried a mushroom at breakfast. I was right about not liking them. Then Alex gallantly drove the car for hours down the windy roads that made me car sick. We stopped off for lunch at the Cross Foxes restaurant. I ordered a salmon wrap. First bite in I discovered the salmon was meant to be raw. I was also correct in assuming I don't like raw fish. Then we had yet another hour to drive.

Here is a picture of my feet in the car because I am too grumpy to post anything else.


Saturday October 22nd 2016

Today was splendid. The people at our airbnb cooked us breakfast. Then we headed for town, but were distracted by curious looking paths. Soon we found ourselves at the river wye. Earlier we had spotted a waterfall and had tried to climb down to it, but it was too steep. Another way was found through a barrel vaulted tunnel.

We explored the river side paths all morning. In the afternoon we went to town and went to the shops. Words cannot describe the massive amount of books we found in this one shop. So here are some pictures.

After hours of book looking we decided to go pester these sheep.


Saturday October 22nd 2016

Today was splendid. The people at our airbnb cooked us breakfast. Then we headed for town, but were distracted by curious looking paths. Soon we found ourselves at the river wye. Earlier we had spotted a waterfall and had tried to climb down to it, but it was too steep. Another way was found through a barrel vaulted tunnel.

We explored the river side paths all morning. In the afternoon we went to town and went to the shops. Words cannot describe the massive amount of books we found in this one shop. So here are some pictures.

After hours of book looking we decided to go pester these sheep.

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Fuck these roads

Friday October 21st 2016

Today we hired a car and drove north. I expected it to be tricky to navigate, drive on the left and use a left hand stick shift. All of which Alex did successfully. What I did not expect was to be driving down roads made for one car at 60mph. Of course we didn't drive that fast because neither of us wanted to die, but a driver behind us was very irate at our choice of speed. The ride was stressful to say the least.

We stopped part way to see caeterphilly castle. It was big and falling apart. I found a statue that looks like a pawn from McGonagall's chess set. Also I enjoyed this wooden wall attachment built to drop things on attacking troops. The arrow slits were triangular in shape.

The story of interest at caeterphilly goes like this. There was a king, a queen, a villain and a lover. Thye king and queen are married, but not happily. The king has taken to spending his time with the villain. The queen leaves either because she is exiled or just doesn't like her husbands boyfriend. It wasn't clear. Anyhow, she leaves and meets the lover. The queen tells her lover about the king and the villain. Turns out the lover and the villain are enemies. *gasp* So a plot is hatched to over throw the king and the villain. The queen and the lover are successful, hooray. But not for long. The queens son kills the lover. And the queen lives for 28 more years. The end.

We are now in Hay-on-Wye, a little place with the most second hand bookshops in Wales. We've got an airbnb with a friendly elderly couple.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Arcades (Cardiff Day 3)

Thursday October 20th 2016

Last night instead of planning Alex and I sat in from of our screens and consumed media. So today began with the work previously neglected.

We explored the arcades in Cardiff today. They are like knocturn alley from HP but they have glass ceilings. The alleys/arcades are filled with shops. There are 4 or 5 of them. Some where really commercial. We didn't like those ones as much. We got candy to try, but nothing was exceptionally tasty.

We stopped off at a shop that has the largest hand carved love spoon. It is taller than me. It was a very touristy shop. Alex and I found lots of knickknacks with our family names. Here is a picture of the Welsh Walkers.

We also visited the market for really cheap lunch. I wish we had a market like it back home. We also found the public library and read books from the smallest graphic novel section I have ever seen. I read a collection of comics called "a user's guide to neglectful parenting." Good read.

Cardiff Castle (Cardiff Day 2)

Wednesday October 19th 2016

Today was allocated to exploring Cardiff Castle. Here are pictures.

This castle has a big outer wall built on top of old Roman walls. In the second picture is the keep. All the windows or spots for looking out are too tall and I have to keep climbing things to see properly. I am listening to the free audio guide. They had 20+ segments and I listened to all of them!

The walls were used during WWII as air raid shelters. While having cake in the courtyard we met a fellow who spent two days in the wall-shelters in April. He said it was cold and horrible and he lost his brother.

In the marquess house there is a mixture of styles. The best room was the library.

We also saw a person with an owl. Turns out there is a falconry here too. About half of the birds were falcons and the other half owls. The biggest owl is named Hector. The little owl didn't have a name plate.

In the basement of the main entrance is a military museum. Much more interactive and English than the last one. They even had costumes. I really like this hat.

After the castle we played in the adjacent park until it closed. Like closed closed. We had to climb over a gate to get out.

Also I had my first trip to tesco.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Cardiff Day 1

Tuesday October 18th 2016

Travel day: London to Cardiff the capital of Wales.

First thing we found the hostel and I had an unpleasant surprise. Our key cards came in the form of gendered bracelets. Look how well it matches the bathroom I get to use.

Next we walked to Cardiff Bay. We had sorbet and explored Mermaid Quay.

On the way back we walked through a nature reserve in the bay. There are many water fowl. The bird with black body and white head is called a coot.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Fan fiction, naps and more trains

Monday October 17th 2016

I forgot to mention yesterday that I stepped in vomit. At a bus stop. It was orangy-pink and felt like stepping on a slice of white bread. I am happy to say I could not decern the temperature.

Our plan for this day was to hang out in Bazel and leave for London around 4pm. So we went for a walk. We stopped at a spot I have named "waiting for Mr. Tumnus." There I tried to photograph a cool looking bug, but it was to speedy.

On the was back Alex attached a pokemon gym at a church. He was successful at lowering the level twice. Upon returning home we got tickets and lodging figured, then I read fan fiction. I read until I grew sleepy and proceeded to nap on the hard wood floor in the sunny patch. I also slept on the train. This is my "tired of trains face."

We arrived in London without serious incident. I am very happy to be able to read signs properly. Now we are chillin' at our hostel. The people in the main space are quite sociable. I am sitting as far away as possible.

Gone to Brussels

Sunday October 16th 2016

Today we went to Brussels. We went to a museum of military things. On the way we hung out in a very big park and ate waffles.

In the museum we saw loads of displays but all the information was in French or Dutch. So we just looked at things. We saw swords, clothes, portraits, artillery, tanks, and guns. Also a WWII exibit with narrow hallways. Then they had the most spacious airplane room. They had old planes like the Sopwith Camel and newer planes including the Avro Arrow.

I also found this old trombone and like 100 bugles. It made me miss music. So on our way back we stopped and listened to a woman playing LotR music on an oboe. We got back to Antwerp around 8pm and the station was nearly empty.