Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Conwy Castle

Monday October 24th 2016

First off look at the key for our airbnb. So cool.

Conwy is a city enclosed by castle walls. It has sprawled a bit outside the walls, but we only saw the inside. The castle was huge and surprisingly took only 4 years to build. It had the most wonderful towers that one could climb. Also you could walk around the city walls.

The castle took a fair amount of the day, but we did stop in at the smallest house in Great Britain. There were townhouses being built along the harbour starting at either end. When they got to the middle there was just a small space between houses. So someone put up a front wall and roof. Tada. Tiny house. It was built 300 years ago and has been in the same family for 250 years.

On the way home I found that all the bushes lining the road had black berries. They aren't as big as the ones in B.C. They tasted about the same, maybe better because I wasn't expecting them.

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