Thursday, 20 October 2016

Arcades (Cardiff Day 3)

Thursday October 20th 2016

Last night instead of planning Alex and I sat in from of our screens and consumed media. So today began with the work previously neglected.

We explored the arcades in Cardiff today. They are like knocturn alley from HP but they have glass ceilings. The alleys/arcades are filled with shops. There are 4 or 5 of them. Some where really commercial. We didn't like those ones as much. We got candy to try, but nothing was exceptionally tasty.

We stopped off at a shop that has the largest hand carved love spoon. It is taller than me. It was a very touristy shop. Alex and I found lots of knickknacks with our family names. Here is a picture of the Welsh Walkers.

We also visited the market for really cheap lunch. I wish we had a market like it back home. We also found the public library and read books from the smallest graphic novel section I have ever seen. I read a collection of comics called "a user's guide to neglectful parenting." Good read.

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