Monday, 17 October 2016

Fan fiction, naps and more trains

Monday October 17th 2016

I forgot to mention yesterday that I stepped in vomit. At a bus stop. It was orangy-pink and felt like stepping on a slice of white bread. I am happy to say I could not decern the temperature.

Our plan for this day was to hang out in Bazel and leave for London around 4pm. So we went for a walk. We stopped at a spot I have named "waiting for Mr. Tumnus." There I tried to photograph a cool looking bug, but it was to speedy.

On the was back Alex attached a pokemon gym at a church. He was successful at lowering the level twice. Upon returning home we got tickets and lodging figured, then I read fan fiction. I read until I grew sleepy and proceeded to nap on the hard wood floor in the sunny patch. I also slept on the train. This is my "tired of trains face."

We arrived in London without serious incident. I am very happy to be able to read signs properly. Now we are chillin' at our hostel. The people in the main space are quite sociable. I am sitting as far away as possible.


  1. is that the same Basle that's in Switzerland? My brother married Ann Gillies in the Minster in 1976. [Ann died midway through our first year on Vancouver Island - Uncle Ashley

    1. Hi Ashley,
      This Bazel is in Belgium. -Gillian
