Thursday, 20 October 2016

Cardiff Castle (Cardiff Day 2)

Wednesday October 19th 2016

Today was allocated to exploring Cardiff Castle. Here are pictures.

This castle has a big outer wall built on top of old Roman walls. In the second picture is the keep. All the windows or spots for looking out are too tall and I have to keep climbing things to see properly. I am listening to the free audio guide. They had 20+ segments and I listened to all of them!

The walls were used during WWII as air raid shelters. While having cake in the courtyard we met a fellow who spent two days in the wall-shelters in April. He said it was cold and horrible and he lost his brother.

In the marquess house there is a mixture of styles. The best room was the library.

We also saw a person with an owl. Turns out there is a falconry here too. About half of the birds were falcons and the other half owls. The biggest owl is named Hector. The little owl didn't have a name plate.

In the basement of the main entrance is a military museum. Much more interactive and English than the last one. They even had costumes. I really like this hat.

After the castle we played in the adjacent park until it closed. Like closed closed. We had to climb over a gate to get out.

Also I had my first trip to tesco.

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