Sunday, 16 October 2016

IDK we did stuffs

Saturday October 15th 2016

Today we were going to get up early.... So we didn't do anything in the morning.

We did however catch a bus to the city at noon. Upon arrival Alex required coffee. Afterward we went on a boat ride through the sewers. It is always warm and humid in the 8 km of tunnels that service Antwerp. Story goes a travelling journalist came to Antwerp and told the citizens it was too smelly. So the people built bridges over the sewer. Much to their surprise the pungent gases floated up around the bridges. So the entire length of sewer was covered. From inside the tunnels you can see the spots where bridges were used. The other fact about the tunnels is that the thickness of the tunnel roof can be as large as 1m or as small as 30 cm. So if a car or human falls through the road and ends up in the sewer, I would not be surprised. The people of Antwerp however....

Next we travelled toward the river and came to Steen Castle. Part of this castle was removed for city planning purposes. The remaining sections have the worlds oldest 1/2 hour glass, a reading room, an art installation, workshops for children, and a lovely café with nice chairs.

Then we walked along the river. As Pooh would say it is rather a blustery day. And thus the river was full of sail boats.

At the end of our river walk was a migration museum. It focuses on how people emigrated to North America. See Antwerp was the chief port for a boat company called the Red Star Line. The idea was Americans would ship oil to Europe and on the way back bring people. But there was a law that oil and people can't be transported on the same ship. So the ships just transported people. At the height of their wealth Red Star Line offered a round the world trip in 80 days. This was possible because the Suez canal was opened. Rich people could experience different cultures. Which is all great, but those with little money wishing to leave Europe were subjected to many trials and tests. I read a story about a young boy whose family was travelling to America and his sister was denied entrance. The mother had to choose for everyone to go back or just the sick daughter. 

Then we ate at this shop that fed us meatballs filled with stuffs. It was tasty and quick. On our way home we stumbled across some old buildings at the University of Antwerp. It looks supper cool, like something out of tomb raider.

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